In my recent post on OWASP Day 2015 I remarked that itself takes security seriously. I mentioned the recently-released WordPress Security White Paper and pointed to the documents on hardening WordPress.

Of course doesn’t exist in a vacuum and has a tight feedback loop with its wider community. This in itself may be one of the secrets of success both of the CMS itself and the ecosystem.

The Problem

Due to it’s popularity in the shared hosting space self-hosted WordPress is capable of running on old, outdated versions of PHP, including version that haven’t been getting security updates for three years. This has been a result of a design decision by core developers: new installations should not break existing websites. It’s both a feature and a bug.

Of course running on old, unsupported versions of PHP creates security liabilities. A professional developer will, at the very least, raise these issues with site owners where such issues exist. But the reality is that some substandard hosts continue to provision older version of PHP. And many existing sites live on old hosts that haven’t been updated.

An Approach to a Solution

A community project called wpupdatephp exist. It provides a PHP library “… to be bundled with WordPress plugins to enforce users to upgrade to PHP 5.4 or higher hosting.” The project also aims to raise awareness of the risks associated with running insecure versions of php among site owners, and furnishes template email content for owners to include in requests to their hosting company.

The core functionality of the plugin can be seen in the readme viewable on github.