The amazing Gather 2015 conference is “The creative community’s big day out”. It’s a fantastic event that draws the web/business community of New Zealand. But it isn’t restricted to technical people. As well as a discussion on web entrepeneuralism and expectations of front-end development, talks included writing for profit, improvised acting and  rapid character creation for role playing games.

And by the way, Matt Gatland‘s introduction to the Fate RPG character creation system was probably session that I had the most fun at.

I missed the talk by Matt Jackson on the legal troubles of Global Mode. But I ended up sitting with him over lunch. I listened to his views on media providers in New Zealand are doing themselves no favours by using the courts to attack their consumers. Matt is certain that this approach does nothing for the providers or for New Zealands internet. He has some strong opinions on how NZ’s culture will be effected by the TPPA. I wish I’d met him earlier and gotten him introduced him to the team behind itsourfuture.

Lance Wiggs hosted a “fly or die” session, wherein entrepeurs introduced their projects to a test audience. The presenter had a minute to pitch. The audience would then ask questions and then give a thumbs up or thumbs does. It was brutal and fun. (The atmosphere was light enough that feelings weren’t bound to be too badly hurt). I couldn’t help but notice that most of the concepts involved real services to communities. The majority of the brave pitchers were genuinely involved in giving back.

I can’t possibly cover all of workshops that I attended or the great discussions that were had. I made some great new acquaintances and got to connect with some brilliant technological minds.

Congratulations to Ludwig Wendzich for creating another Gather. I’m already looking forward to next year.